
Your physician has scheduled your surgical procedure through our scheduling office. A staff member will contact you within a week of your surgery. However, if you have not received a call by 2 p.m. the day before your surgery, please call us at 515.323.6400. During our call we will confirm what time you should arrive for your procedure. In addition, we will gather pertinent medical information needed before your surgery and allow time to answer your questions.

You need to arrive at River Hills Surgery Center one hour and fifteen minutes prior to a surgery procedure, and one hour prior if having a pain procedure unless instructed otherwise. This gives our staff time to prepare and verify your medical records, perform necessary lab work, and prepare you for surgery or procedure. Arriving late may cause your surgery to be delayed or cancelled, so please be on time. We also ask that you bring a photo ID and insurance cards with you, so we can make copies for Patient Accounts. If you have an Advance Directive, Living Will or Durable Power of Attorney document, please bring them so we can make copies to keep with our records.

All patients who receive a general anesthetic or sedative must have a responsible adult (over the age of 18) present to drive them home. Any patient having a pain procedure also must have an adult driver. Please inform the surgery center staff if your driver chooses to leave the facility while you are in surgery. Parents/guardians of minor children (under the age of 18) must remain at the surgery center during their child’s entire stay.

Secured lockers are available to store your clothing.
Please bring with you: