Patient Resources
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Patient Rights
River Hills Surgery Center believes in the dignity and individuality of each person. As a patient, you are at the center of those beliefs. We try and provide a caring community where your needs are met and your rights are protected.
You are part of our team in your care. When you talk to your doctor and other health care staff, and when you are well informed and share treatment decisions, you help make your care better.
As a patient at River Hills Surgery Center, you have the right to:
Personal privacy
Kind and respectful care
Confidential handling of your personal and medical information
Expect that Mercy River Hills Surgery Center will give your appropriate and necessary care in a safe environment
Talk to your caregivers to learn about your illness and to help make informed decisions about your medical treatment
Refuse medical treatment
Receive spiritual counseling and religious observances of your choice
Ask to be transferred to another facility
Know who’s in charge of your care and the names of all those who are caring for you
Receive visitors from outside the surgery center, if it does not interfere with your care
Ask for help in interpreting seeing or hearing words and instructions if you do not understand them because you speak another language or your are physically impaired
Receive materials telling about Advance Directives
Patient Responsibilities
As a patient at River Hills Surgery Center, or as the parent or legal guardian of a minor patient, you will be expected to take and active part in your care. It is your responsibility to:
Provide accurate and complete information about your health, past illnesses, hospitalizations and medications you are currently taking
Ask questions if you do not understand what the doctor, nurse or other caregivers are asking you to do
Inform your doctor or nurse if you do not believe you can follow through with your treatment
Share information about your insurance and about your ability to pay for your care
Be considerate of the rights of other patients and staff, and assist in the control of noise and the number of visitors in your room
Report any changes in your health to your doctor or nurse
Take personal responsibility for any treatment your refuse to receive
Take part in health behaviors that help you become and stay well
Complaints and Appeals
You have the right to a fair, fast and objective review of any complaints you have against River Hills Surgery Center or your physician, nurse or other health care professional. This includes complaints about surgery patient care and safety, waiting times, operating hours, the conduct of surgery center personnel and the adequacy of health care facilities. You have the right to:
Immediately report any concerns, complaints or formal grievances by contacting:
Director of Surgery at River Hills Surgery Center
Phone: (515) 323-6400
Iowa Department of Inspections & Appeals
321 East 12th St., Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: (515) 281-4115
Medicare Ombudsman
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations